Univeristy Of Miami Vs NOTRE DAME
Type: NCAA Non Championship
Rules: Standard
Start Date: 2008-01-04 End date: 2008-01-04
Sponsor: University of Miami
Pool: University of Miami Pool
#1 Hurricane Drive Coral Gables, FL
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Photo Credits: / Photos Edited By: Philip Kelly Jackman

Click Below For Complete Interactive Meet Results

Divers Entered:
1. Bulfin, Michael
2. Crowe, Steven
3. Geary, Nathan
4. Grossman, Heidi
5. Hirt, Lucy
6. Hyer, Tara
7. Kane, Christopher
8. Kinzbach, JJ
9. Langnecker, Amy
10. Lex, Eric
11. Rings, Laura
12. Stitt, Natalie
13. Stoner, Sam
14. Villaflor, Wesley
15. Viola, Brittany

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